Little Robin Red Vest is going on tour!
I’m so thrilled to announce that finally (finally!) Little Robin Red Vest has been adapted into a beautiful theatre production and is going on tour.
This book, written 26 years ago, means so much to me and so many other people. I still receive and treasure so many wonderful comments about how Little Robin has become a Christmas tradition in so many families - even when the children are grown up and having children themselves! It’s the true story (according to me!) of how Little Robin got his magical red vest. It’s a story of friendship and kindness and selflessness, which are such important things to treasure and celebrate in these crazy times that I’m writing this blog.
The TRUE story of how Robin got his red vest!
The adaptation
So, a while ago, I was approached by the lovely people at Filskit Theatre, who asked me if I would be interested in working with them to adapt Little Robin and his tale of generosity into a magical Christmas production. And after lots of meetings, and zoom calls and a very exciting trip to see some developmental work in progress - plus a few set backs and bitten nails, and wondering if it would ever happen…here he is! My book has been adapted and presented by Victoria Briggs in association with Filskit Theatre, and I couldn’t feel more thankful! The dates and names of all the lovely people involved in this are below.
Little Robin was my first breakout picture book and he holds a very special place in my heart. I wrote it a long time ago, and the idea came to me when I was walking through a wood with my husband. We were talking about someone very close to us - his Auntie Florrie - who was such and incredibly kind and unselfish lady, and as we walked along, a sweet Little Robin hopped along beside us from tree to tree… it got me thinking about everyday kindness…and I went home and wrote Little Robin’s story!
I wanted to tell the true story of how Robin got his magical red vest (well, according to me, anyway!) and I wanted to celebrate all the good souls in the world who everyday carry out acts of kindness, fellowship and selflessness – often for no reward other than the joy of having an open heart. They are too often the people who go unnoticed, even though there are so many beautiful people out there!
I think most of us try our very best to be the change we want to see in the world, and sometimes it’s simple acts of consideration and kindness that matter most. We may never know how much our actions could affect another person’s (or animal friend’s) day. I’ve been so lucky to be on the receiving end of much kindness in my life, but also, I have to say that there have been a few times when I’ve felt like Little Robin; left cold and alone on a snowy roof! If you’ve ever felt like that too, I send you my love. It can be tough. It made me realise I don’t ever want to be the person who makes anyone or anything feel sad or alone like that.
At Christmas time, when we celebrate family and friendship, it’s so important to notice those around us who may need a helping hand or a kindness, and I hope that my story of Little Robin – giving away all his warm vests to his friends in need – and his joyful, loving heart celebrates the true meaning of Christmas.
I feel so incredibly proud and grateful that Little Robin is now finding his way onto the stage, to spread his story of generosity and love. This is truly a magical and joyful production, created by the most lovely people and I’m so looking forward to seeing it myself!
Now, why are there goats and donkeys here? You may well ask…
Well, one of the reasons why I’m so late about posting this blog – and have been rather quiet recently, is because I’ve been moving house. And it has been the most incredible undertaking, because we didn’t just move our things, oh, no no no, that would be FAR too easy…we moved all of our rescue animal family too! Two donkeys, five goats, six cats and two dogs. We basically moved the whole contents of a farm ourselves, with the help of some dear friends and at our new house, we had to make paddocks, fences and houses and all sorts of lovely things for our furry guys. This was taken at the end of a mammoth day of moving the guys. Over twelve hours and over eight trips…oh, and so many treats…it was such a joy to see all the family together, settled and happy.
Cads settling into his new paddock. He’s a Poitou, hence the flowing locks of hair.
And then, just when I thought life was settling down and I sat down to write about Little Robin - along came Storm Bert and this happened! It was very scary, but fortunately nobody was hurt. This beautiful tree was over 80 metres tall. It blocked our road and fell into our neighbour’s field, where three of his bulls came along to see what the fuss was about. An interesting way to say hi to your new neighbours!
Ty was not impressed!
We lost our power, and our internet and are seriously wondering if we need to consider buying a generator. The tree took days of hard work to chop up, sad but nothing will be wasted, and it may well sprout again in the spring. But incredibly – all the while we were working, we could hear the sweet song of a Robin and a pair even came down and flew around the logs as we were stacking them! I think it’s a sign! Maybe they were reminding me that I need to finish this blog! They certainly reminded me to be thankful for the tree, my beautiful family, my new chapter and the wonderful adaptation of my story. If you see me at the show, do come and say hi.