Written and Illustrated by Jan Fearnley.

Light Fingered Larry

Light Fingered Larry is the third in the series.

Larry is a Very Naughty Octopus! He likes nothing better than sneaking about pinching other people’s things. Slippery and sly, his eight tentacles are constantly up to mischief. They grab things and stash the booty in his deep–sea den.

Nick- nickity- nick- nick- GONE!

But when Larry goes too far and steals everything from Kiki Koala’s kitchen, events take a dramatic turn and the naughty octopus gets a BIG surprise. Will Larry mend his ways? Read the story to find out!

Here are some sketches and artwork from the book. This was the last book I made using watercolour and collage.

Kiki sketches

Officer and Larry

Light Fingered Larry Nicking Stuff

Rosie and Larry

Kiki and Larry unfinished artwork


Harry and the Jaggedy Daggers


Film Star